Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Dominique Martinez, Thomas Voegtlin.

How can animals so successfully locate odor sources? This apparently innocuous question reveals on analysis unexpectedly deep issues concerning our understanding of the physical and biological world and offers interesting prospects for future applications. Pherotaxis focuses on communication by sex pheromones in moths. The main aim of the project is to integrate the abundant experimental data on the pheromone plumes, neural networks and search behaviour available in the literature, as well as that collected or being collected by us at the molecular, cellular, systemic and behavioural levels into a comprehensive global model of the pheromonal olfactory processes. To reach this objective, the consortium combines several groups of specialists with different and complementary fields, in physics (Institut Pasteur IP), neurobiology (INRA) and bio-robotics (Inria).

ANR project KEOPS

Participant : Carlos Carvajal-Gallardo.

This «ANR Internal White Project» involving NEUROMATHCOMP and CORTEX (and now MNEMOSYNE since most Cortex members involved in ths project are now in this team) Inria EPI in France with the U. of Valparaiso, U. Tecnica Frederico Santa-Maria, and U. De Chili is a 3 years, 248 person-months, sensory biology, mathematical modeling, computational neuroscience and computer vision, project addressing the integration of non-standard behaviors from retinal neural sensors, dynamically rich, sparse and robust observed in natural conditions, into neural coding models and their translation into real, highly non-linear, bio-engineering artificial solutions. An interdisciplinary platform for translation from neuroscience into bioengineering will seek convergence from experimental and analytical models, with a fine articulation between biologically inspired computation and nervous systems neural signal processing (coding / decoding).